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The Role of Proof of Insurance In The Claim Process Following A Car Accident

The insurance claim process begins in the minutes the follow a collision. At that time, the involved drivers must exchange documents, including the proof of insurance.

What is a proof of insurance?

It is evidence that the driver has purchased at least the minimum insurance coverage, as required by the state named on the driver’s license. Most drivers use the card that has been provided by the company that sold them an automobile insurance policy.

Why do state laws require drivers to carry a proof of insurance?

That card or other document serves as evidence that the driver can pay for any damages that might result from involvement in a motor vehicle accident.

When must drivers display their proof of insurance?

When taking a driving test; when registering an owned vehicle; when involved in an accident; and when pulled over by an officer, after violating a traffic law.

What happens to drivers that lack a card or other document from their insurance company?

If a driver has purchased the required coverage, but has failed to carry proof of that fact, the same motorist would stand at risk for a possible punishment. That punishment could take the form of a ticket or a fine. If the motorist chose to contest the ticket in court, then he or she would need to pay any court costs.

Would an insured motorist ever need a different sort of document?

Certain drivers must carry a document called an SR22. That serves as verification of the fact that the level of the driver’s insurance matches the minimum for the state that is named on that same motorist’s license. In case of an accident, the driver will still need to contact an Injury Lawyers in Encinitas and Monrovia.

The SR22 states how long that same document will be in effect. The driver that has received the SR22 must carry that particular document as long as it remains in effect. Even a move to another state does not free a motorist of the need to carry the SR22, as long as it remains in effect.

Why are some motorists required to carry one of the SR22s?

• It could be that the same motorist’s driving record included mention of a DUI.
• It could be that the driver carrying that particular document had previously been involved in a car accident, and did not have the requested proof (of insurance).
• It is possible that the motorist’s driving record showed that the holder of that special document had committed a whole series of traffic offenses.

It is possible that the SR22-carrying motorist had previously had his or her license revoked. By the same token, it could be that the driver’s possession of the state-issued document (SR22) reflected the fact that he or she had previously suffered suspension of a license.

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